Design Method Thinking

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Carrie Dong 5月 10, 2018

Someone asked me today, for the future design, what design methods do you know, how to apply? And what methods else you plan to learn?
The following is my short answer to this question:

In my opinion, there are only 2 design method in general, one is the problem-solving model, another is the changing-meaning model.

1.In my study of either industrial design or service design, I was trained to grasp the problem-solving model. It requires designers thinking from Customers/Market.

The general path is: you gather customers demand by some ways (user research like focus group or interview or owned experience; company defines its problem in the beginning of product lifecycle)
Then you do the brainstorm or album inspiration or focus group with leader users to gain the proposal inspiration.
Designers are responsible to transform these inspiration into specific proposal, and test. You iterate your idea based on feedback.

2.While in my study of management engineering, I realize there’s another totally different design method (strictly speaking, innovation method). It origins from meaning changing.

Its path is: for some existing product/product line, you gather new trends/new technique/new lifestyle, whatever with new meaning which makes sense in reality. Then you analyze the existing product, including competitive analysis/5 forces model/value chain etc. to incoduct the characteristic of this product. Then you try to combine or transform the product with new things. Later, you need to make complementary proposals, like marketing/communication.
For example, the candles are just dailylife comsumption before the 2nd industrial revolution, but now candles are used to make atmosphere.

3.These 2 kinds of design methods should subtitud to each other. I mean, with the development of society, users are changing, demands are changing as well. On one hand, designers are ought to keep producing new designs/new proposals, based on problem-solving model. On the other hand, designers should be capable to iterate his previous designs, based on meaning-changing model. Innovation is not new invention, and nearly all innovations are actually successful transplant of one meaning from another.

For instance, the peer-to-peer transaction is normal in the tranditional Visa credit network. But in this digital age, it become a delighter with digital platform.

4.For the future, let’s assume that the AI would be used in gaining design inspirations (I suppose the graphical inspiration is easier), which will decrease designers’ workload. Then I believe that on the basis of these 2 design methods, what designers should learn sustainably is how to combine (inspiration and proposal) or (new meaning and product) in a more suitable way. This kind of combination may be the last skill that relying on human’s innovation, and unable to be replaced by robot.


1.在工业设计和服务设计的学习中,我被训练的一直是‘问题-解决’模型。也就是从用户/市场出发,大概路径是,通过某种方法确定用户的需求(可以是用户调研,工具不列了;或者是公司内部正常product lifecycle由决策层确定新方向),然后通过头脑风暴,图集灵感,focus group等方式寻找解决方案的灵感,接着由设计师将灵感具化成若干方案,具化的程度因情况而定,然后测试方案,根据反馈迭代,最终得到解决这一需求的产品(product/service/experience)


